Friday, July 12, 2013

Coming Home

I'm Justine Anthony and I am going to be a senior at Southwestern college this coming fall. Over Christmas break God laid missions on my heart and then Ben came to speak at chapel but I missed the opportunity to apply. Then I got a phone call from the Birky family, who I babysit for in Lakin, asking if I would be willing to go to Zimbabwe with them to help with their three kids and do some ministry. Right away I said yes. 
This trip has been an eye-opening experience. I knew that some kids were without families and had been abused but I had never come in contact with them before. I arrived in Karanda, Zimbabwe and met a little 4 year old girl who had been tied up outside for part of her life because she is deaf and has some kind of mental illness. Her family didn't know what to do so that's what they resorted to. My heart broke for her and it was a blessing getting to meet her and show her some love. Her name is Praise, keep her in your prayers! 
After Karanda we went to Eden's Children Village. At the Village I was able to meet so many children who don't have parents but have complete faith and trust in The Lord. I was astounded by their faith. I got the opportunity to pass out candy and dresses to the kids as well as chase them around. Another opportunity I had was going to a preschool classroom and hanging out with them for a couple hours. One of the girls, Chaiedza, showed signs of being abused. The teacher came up behind her to help her and she started flinching and covering her face. It was heartbreaking and hard to hold tears back. Keep her in your prayers as well. 
I was inspired by the missionaries' attitudes and their hearts to serve others. It was exciting to be around people who had the same mindset and attitude as me. Now as we are sitting in the airport getting ready to board plane two I am saddened that I am leaving all the children but thankful that the missionaries are there for them. I'm hoping I will get the opportunity to go back. 

James 1:27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world

God bless, 

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